事務局所在地:〒659-0086 芦屋市三条南町5-10 ロイヤル芦屋川203号
電 話:0798 - 72 - 5876
ファックス :0798 - 72 - 5876
e-mail :npo@npo-syakunage.com npo_shakunage@yahoo.co.jp
設 立:1992年 4月 2名のボランティアで発足
1999年 12月 任意団体 NPOシャクナゲ・子供の家発足
2009年 4月 NPO法人認可
目 的:アジアの恵まれない育成環境に置かれた子供たちに対して、健全な成長を願い、彼らを支援する事業を行う。
アクセス :JR甲南山手駅下車 徒歩 5分 * JR芦屋駅下車 徒歩12分 * 阪急電鉄芦屋川駅下車 徒歩12分
Our summary
Address: Royal Ashiyagawa 203, 5-10, Sanjo minami cho, Ashiya city, Hyogo 6590086
Tel & Fax: 0798-72-5876
Email: npo@npo-syakunage.com / npo_shakunage@yahoo.co.jp
Apr 1992 - Started education support with two volunteers.
Dec 1999 - Established a private organization NPO Lali Guransu Children's House.
Apr 2009 - Granted as 'Shakunage' nonprofit corporation.
Aim: To Provide support to raise poor children in Asia.
Access: 5 minutes walk from JR Konan yamate station / 12 minutes walk from JR Ashiya station / 12 minutes walk from Hankyu Ashiyagawa station
個人年会費 1口 3,000円~
団体年会費 1口 3,000円(但し2口以上)
個人年会費 1口 1,000円~
団体年会費 1口 5,000円(但し2口以上)
郵便振替口座 00980-6-271609
銀行振替口座 ゆうちょ銀行 店番 438(普)9351568
チャリティー催し、バザー、講演会、旅行等のご案内を致します。 年間の活動報告便りを致します。
-To become a member of Lali Guransu (Shakunage) Children's House
We,“Lali Guransu (Shakunage) Children's House” have a system of becoming a regular member or a supporting member who agrees with our activities.
Regular member: A person who has a right to vote at a general meeting and act together.
* Individual annual fee per share: 3000yen-
* Group annual fee per share: 3000yen (more than 2 shares)
Supporting member : A person who can support us without joining the activities.
* Individual annual fee per share: 1000yen-
* Group annual fee per share: 5000yen (more than 2 shares)
* There is no entrance fee for both members.
Application : Please deposit the fee to the accounts below by specifying which member you would like to be.
Payment : NPO Shakunage Kodomono Ie
P.O. Saving Transfer account / 00980-6-271609
Bank Saving Transfer account/ Yucho Bank,
Branch number 438 / Account number (Futsu) 9351568
For members : We will inform you when a bazaar, charity events, trips and lecture meetings will be
held and we will send you an annual report.